Author 晓兵 weixin: ssbandjl 公众号: 云原生云 Blobstore 编程指导 In this document @ref blob_pg_audience @ref blob_pg_intro @ref blob_pg_theory @ref blob_pg_design @ref blob_pg_examples @ref blob_pg_config @ref blob_pg_component Target Audience The programmer’s guide is intended for developers authoring applications that utilize the SPDK Blobstore. It is intended to supplement the source code in providing an overall understanding of how to integrate Blobstore into an application as well as provide some high level insight into how Blobstore works behind the scenes. It is not intended to serve as a design document or an API reference and in some cases source code snippets and high level sequences will be discussed; for the latest source code reference refer to the repo. 程序员指南适用于编写使用 SPDK Blobstore 的……