
Author 晓兵 weixin: ssbandjl 公众号: 云原生云 Makefile 简介 参考链接: 您需要一个名为 makefile 的文件来告诉 make 要做什么。 大多数情况下,makefile 告诉 make 如何编译和链接程序。 在本章中,我们将讨论一个简单的 makefile,它描述了如何编译和链接一个由 8 个 C 源文件和 3 个头文件组成的文本编辑器。 makefile 还可以告诉 make 在明确要……



Author 晓兵 weixin: ssbandjl 公众号: 云原生云 A block layer cache (bcache) What is bcache? Bcache is a Linux kernel block layer cache. It allows one or more fast disk drives such as flash-based solid state drives (SSDs) to act as a cache for one or more slower hard disk drives. Hard drives are cheap and big, SSDs are fast but small and expensive. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could transparently get the advantages of both? With Bcache, you can have your cake and eat it too. Bcache patches for the Linux kernel allow one to use SSDs to cache other block devices. It’s analogous to L2Arc for ZFS, but Bcache also does writeback caching (besides just write through caching), and it’s filesystem agnostic. It’s designed to be switched on with a minimum……



Author 晓兵 weixin: ssbandjl 公众号: 云原生云 GinWeb框架 简介 本文基于Golang Gin框架官方文档翻译, 验证了其中大部分示例代码, 便于Gin快速入门, 也欢迎大家提出意见, 一起交流学习. 本文地址: Gin是Golang写的Web框架, 功能类似另一个Go框架Martini(暂停维护), Gin内部使……


Stolon PostgreSQL高可用

Author 晓兵 weixin: ssbandjl 公众号: 云原生云 匍匐枝-PostgreSQL云原生高可用方案 stolon - PostgreSQL cloud native High Availability stolon is a cloud native PostgreSQL manager for PostgreSQL high availability. It’s cloud native because it’ll let you keep an high available PostgreSQL inside your containers (kubernetes integration) but also on every other kind of infrastructure (cloud IaaS, old style infrastructures etc…) 其他基础设施 For an introduction to stolon you can also take a look at this post stolon诞生背景 Features 功能 Leverages PostgreSQL streaming replication. 使用PostgrSQL流复制 Resilient to any kind of……


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