本节介绍如何在 Docker 容器中构建和运行 DAOS 服务。 至少需要 4GB DRAM 和 16GB 磁盘空间。 在 Mac 上,请确保“Preferences/{Disk, Memory}”下的 Docker 设置已进行相应配置
参考配置文件: daos_server_docker_main.yml
[root@8b90fa1190f1 daos]# dmg pool list --verbose
Label UUID State SvcReps SCM Size SCM Used SCM Imbalance NVME Size NVME Used NVME Imbalance Disabled UpgradeNeeded?
----- ---- ----- ------- -------- -------- ------------- --------- --------- -------------- -------- --------------
sxb 9b4157a8-7bab-493c-aa4d-5145144d92b3 Ready 0 240 MB 213 kB 0% 3.8 GB 52 MB 0% 0/1 None
[root@8b90fa1190f1 daos]# daos container query sxb sxb --verbose; daos cont get-prop sxb sxb
Container UUID : ccc2f4f7-1e46-4709-8f28-09282a9f82ed
Container Label : sxb
Container Type : POSIX
Pool UUID : 9b4157a8-7bab-493c-aa4d-5145144d92b3
Container redundancy factor : 0
Number of open handles : 2
Latest open time : 0x126c7703f0840000 (2023-08-19 08:02:08.06070272 +0000 UTC)
Latest close/modify time : 0x126c76d527b80000 (2023-08-19 08:01:55.50212096 +0000 UTC)
Number of snapshots : 0
Object Class : UNKNOWN
Dir Object Class : UNKNOWN
File Object Class : UNKNOWN
Chunk Size : 1.0 MiB
Properties for container sxb
Name Value
---- -----
Highest Allocated OID (alloc_oid) 11
Checksum (cksum) off
Checksum Chunk Size (cksum_size) 32 KiB
Compression (compression) off
Deduplication (dedup) off
Dedupe Threshold (dedup_threshold) 4.0 KiB
EC Cell Size (ec_cell_sz) 64 KiB
Performance domain affinity level of EC (ec_pda) 1
Encryption (encryption) off
Global Version (global_version) 3
Group (group) root@
Label (label) sxb
Layout Type (layout_type) POSIX (1)
Layout Version (layout_version) 1
Max Snapshot (max_snapshot) 0
Object Version (obj_version) 1
Owner (owner) root@
Performance domain level (perf_domain) root (255)
Redundancy Factor (rd_fac) rd_fac0
Redundancy Level (rd_lvl) node (2)
Performance domain affinity level of RP (rp_pda) 4294967295
Server Checksumming (srv_cksum) off
Health (status) HEALTHY
Access Control List (acl) A::OWNER@:rwdtTaAo, A:G:GROUP@:rwtT
[root@8b90fa1190f1 daos]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
overlay 50G 25G 26G 50% /
devtmpfs 63G 0 63G 0% /dev
tmpfs 63G 0 63G 0% /dev/shm
/dev/mapper/xxx-var 50G 25G 26G 50% /etc/hosts
tmpfs 63G 0 63G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mapper/xxx-root 120G 56G 65G 47% /home/xb/project/stor/daos/main/daos
tmpfs 4.0G 500M 3.6G 13% /mnt/daos
dfuse 3.8G 51M 3.7G 2% /tmp/sxb
[root@8b90fa1190f1 daos]#
在docker中搭建开发环境: https://docs.daos.io/v2.0/dev/development/#daos-development-in-docker
博客: https://logread.cn | https://blog.csdn.net/ssbandjl | https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/user/5060293/articles
weixin: ssbandjl
公众号: 云原生云
- 原文作者:晓兵
- 原文链接:https://logread.cn/post/daos/daos_docker/
- 版权声明:本作品采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 4.0 国际许可协议进行许可,非商业转载请注明出处(作者,原文链接),商业转载请联系作者获得授权。